The Saskatchewan Law Review seeks to publish traditional and innovative legal scholarship of high quality. Topics may be of international, national, or provincial interest. Unsolicited submissions, provided they have not previously been published, are welcome. The Review is fully refereed. Therefore, all submissions are subject to a review process prior to acceptance.

Articles published in the Review tend to be from 15-60 pages, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word. Longer articles of exceptional quality are also published from time to time.

When submitting articles, book reviews, case comments or statute notes, please include the author's name and affiliation. Manuscript submission is preferred by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word. The text and footnotes should be double-spaced and all citations must conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation. Manuscripts should be checked for the correctness of all citations and quotations prior to submission. We endeavor, but do not guarantee, to provide a publication decision to authors within 12 weeks.

All manuscripts and editorial communications should be directed to:

Administrative Coordinator, Saskatchewan Law Review
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan
15 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A6
Phone: 306-966-5909 